The ALCP organisation aims to protect and promote the local environmental heritage by preserving its integrity and improving the resilience of local populations.
Launched in 2022, this project aims to develop and set up an agro-ecological and forestry farm for the benefit of women and young people in peri-urban areas of the city of Ouagadougou. The purpose is to help protect and enhance the region’s unique environmental capital by preserving its integrity and increasing the positive economic benefits for local people.
More specifically, the project aims to encourage and develop sustainable market garden and forestry production by its target audiences, with special focus on awareness raising, training and capacity building. The project includes the development of 2 hectares of land for market garden production and nurseries, and the creation of infrastructures, among which an irrigation system.
Ultimately, Ouagadougou’s "green belt" site is intended to become an agro-ecological centre for young people – particularly schoolchildren – and for vulnerable women.