Impactful partnerships

The Audemars Piguet Foundation for Trees aims to help communities perpetuate a way of life and culture that respects the environment, and promotes the acquisition of the skills needed to build a resilient and sustainable future. We support organisations around the world that have confirmed experience and knowledge in their area of action, demonstrate proven efficiency and budget transparency in the use of funds, and apply rigorous impact measurement methodology using quantitative and qualitative criteria.

Action Lutte Contre la Pauvreté (ALCP)

Actions Communautaires pour la Protection de l’Environnement (ACPE)

Alliance internationale pour la gestion de l’eau de pluie (IRHA)

Alpes vivantes

Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)

Appui aux Initiatives de Développement (AIDE)


Arutam Zéro Déforestation

Associação Projecto Vitó

Association de l’Arboretum national du Vallon de l’Aubonne

Association des Amis de l’ESEP (Établissement scolaire Elisabeth de Portes)

Association du Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Association Morija

Association pour la sauvegarde de Morges (ASM)

Association Sentier didactique du bois de résonance du Risoud

BirdLife Suisse

Blue Ventures

Centre Régional de Recherche et d’Éducation pour le Développement Intégré (CREDI-ONG)

Comité français de l’UICN

Commune de Burtigny

Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève (CJBG)

Cœur de Forêt

Envol Vert



Fairventures Worldwide

Fauna & Flora International (FFI)

Fondation Antenna

Fondation Biovision

Fondation PanEco

Fondation Silviva

Forêt Neuchâtel


Helpsimus (Association française pour la sauvegarde du grand hapalémur)

Inter Aide

Istituto Oikos

Itombwe Génération pour l’Humanité (IGH)

Jardin Botanique de l’Université de Fribourg

Mbou-Mon-Tour (MMT)

Nouvelle Planète

Parc naturel du Jorat


Réseau écologique La Frontière

Robin du Bois



The National Forest Company

Trees for Life

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF-Suisse)


The projects we fund are in line with our areas of focus and reflect our three key values:

  • audacity: projects must be innovative, with original and ambitious objectives;
  • sustainability: projects must have a tangible, positive impact over the long term to create added value by and for the communities involved beyond the support we provide;
  • humanism: projects must be led by organisations that work directly with communities on the ground to give them the means to reach their full potential in accordance with their own ambitions.


In line with our mission, we invite any organisation that is eligible for support to submit a request to us directly. Prospective requests for funding are therefore not accepted. Furthermore, we do not fund the following activities: 

  • academic research;
  • individual applications for grants or financial support;
  • projects submitted through a third party, such as a fundraising or marketing service provider;
  • general fundraising events;
  • projects with religious or political objectives;
  • film or book production.

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