In 2023, Morija’s project empowered 150 members of the FUPROCAT network, and trained 40 women in the production and sale of soap made from cocoa pods.

Agroforestry and green entrepreneurship

Association Morija
Preservation/restoration | Awareness raising
Project duration
2022 → 2025

The aim of the "Agroforestry and green entrepreneurship" project is to achieve a sustainable improvement in the living conditions of small-scale coffee and cocoa producers in the prefectures of Kloto, Agou and Amou, Togo, through environmentally friendly farming practices.

The project includes support for 96 young rural people in setting up new coffee and cocoa plots and restoring farmland through agroforestry. The project also comprises training for 300 coffee growers from the Fédération des Unions de Producteurs de café et de cacao au Togo, FUPROCAT (the Federation of Unions of Coffee and Cocoa Producers in Togo) in shade management through agroforestry.

In addition, nearly twenty villages are supported in reducing the use of chemical products or educated in the sustainable management of vegetation fires in plantations. Other initiatives are also implemented, including support for around forty women in the production of natural soaps, and for around fifty coffee and cocoa producers in the production of honey.

As part of this project, Morija focuses as well on strengthening the organisational and institutional capacities of cooperative societies, and on supporting them in the organic certification process.

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