For an arboretum to be considered at its true scientific value, it is essential that the collections are regularly recorded in a catalogue that is accessible to the public, related institutions and the scientific community.
The Arboretum du Vallon de l’Aubonne is located on the Lake Geneva Arc between Geneva and Lausanne. Visitors to the park appreciate its proximity to urban centres, its facilities, its paths that are accessible to as many people as possible, the diversity of the vegetation and the dense network of preserved natural areas such as dry meadows, marshes, hedgerows and forests.
Since 2013, the number of guided tours for a wide range of visitors has continued to grow. The increase in visits to the Arboretum has led to a need to strengthen the mediation department by creating the position of scientific mediator. This function will enable the Association de l’Arboretum national du Vallon de l’Aubonne to better implement its aim and objectives, as well as to design, manage and run outreach programmes that promote the Arboretum's collections and scientific themes.
In addition, the project includes improvements to the conservation of the Arboretum du Vallon de l’Aubonne’s dendrological collections. Indeed, for an arboretum to be considered at its true scientific value, it is essential that the collections are regularly recorded in a catalogue that is accessible to the public, related institutions and the scientific community. Providing additional resources to carry out this work will give the Arboretum greater recognition among its peers while enhancing the scientific value of its collections.