By bringing knowledge to the community of the municipality of Sete de Setembro, this project enabled the Paiter Surui people to return to the use of traditional medicinal plants.

Reinforcing the traditional medicinal plant culture and reforestation of the Surui territory

Preservation/restoration | Ancestral knowledge
Project duration
2021 → 2022
Ubiratan G. Surui

Developed jointly by the Aquaverde association and the Olawatawa Medicinal Plant Centre, this project involved local communities in carrying out activities designed to preserve and promote traditional Surui knowledge of medicinal plants.

At the heart of the project was the creation of two nurseries around the Olawatawa Centre, the aim of which was to produce shoots of medicinal plants as well as fruit and forestry plants to enrich the surrounding forests. The seedlings from the nurseries were used to plant more than 2,000 trees.

By bringing knowledge to the community of the municipality of Sete de Setembro, this project enabled the Paiter Surui people to return to the use of traditional medicinal plants. This reduced the consumption of allopathic medicines, which had a positive impact on community health, as the villagers often misuse medicines from the pharmacy.

By producing and using indigenous remedies, the Paiter Surui people can reclaim their traditions and strengthen their cultural identity.


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