50,000 trees of species selected for their environmental, health and economic benefits have been planted.

Integrated forest resource management

Preservation/restoration | Awareness raising
Project duration
2020 → 2022

The aim of the "Integrated forest resource management" project was to restore and enhance the Zaffé ecosystem by conducting reforestation and environmental protection awareness-raising initiatives, as well as building improved cooking stoves to reduce the amount of wood used. The objective was also to set up alternative sustainable economic activities through the cooperative management of tree nurseries and the creation of beehives.

The district of Zaffé is located in the commune of Glazoué, in central Benin. The inhabitants of this rural area live in conditions of extreme poverty. Agriculture is their main source of income, although it is marked by low yields and a lack of crop diversity. This agriculture is characterised by intensive farming methods, with a high level of slash-and-burn, which is damaging the forest cover. The deforestation caused is intensified by the manufacture and sale of charcoal for the major urban centres. This lucrative activity, which is attractive to the local population, is practiced haphazardly and does not allow the forest cover to renew itself at an adequate rate.

Together, Experts-Solidaire and the local association Esho-Ko-Yia, made up of farmers from the region, set up agroecology training courses in market gardening for more than 35 farmers. In addition, 50,000 trees of species selected for their environmental, health and economic benefits have been planted. These plants were sown and maintained in a dedicated nursery, which will eventually become a sales outlet with a view to creating an economic activity that will add value to the region. The project also included training in beekeeping for 25 people (lumberjacks and farmers) who made their living from trading and cutting wood.

In order to ensure the sustainability of all the actions undertaken, awareness-raising work was carried out with the children and young people involved in the project. Training the community in the construction and use of improved cooking stoves to minimise wood consumption will also have a positive impact on the environment in the long term.


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