In 2022, the Audemars Piguet Foundation for Trees renewed its collaboration with Envol Vert, which had already enabled the planting of almost 11,000 trees, the creation of 14 nurseries and the organisation of 142 courses, outings and workshops for over 800 participants.

Preserving the last dry forests through agroforestry

Envol Vert
Preservation/restoration | Awareness raising
Project duration
2019 → 2025
Daisy Tarrier
Léa Durant
Louise Charles
Flore Mias
Marie Hilary

This programme aims to preserve the last dry tropical forests in Colombia, of which only 8% of the original area remains, along the Caribbean coast. The object is to replicate agroforestry and silvopastoralism projects with farmers as a means of preserving dry forest and adapting to climate change. At the same time, forest-friendly economic and food alternatives (e.g. Mayan walnut flour) are being implemented and marketed. Lastly, knowledge exchanged between farmers is enriching practices in the field. Thanks to this programme and the desire to build on the lessons learned and broadcast them to as many people as possible, an online platform has been created: la Ruta Agroforestal.

From 2019 to 2022, the dry forests preservation programme enabled Envol Vert to extend its action from two to five municipalities, and to increase the number of producers supported fivefold. The development at a regional scale of the organisation's activities on the Caribbean coast has also given Envol Vert unprecedented visibility among public institutions and actors in development.

In 2022, the programme was renewed in order to perpetuate the field activities set up with local communities and to perfect Envol Vert’s methodology.

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