The Vaud Alps are one of the most biodiverse regions in the Swiss Alps. The Alpes Vivantes association aims to preserve this natural diversity.

Sustainable protection of biodiversity in the Vaud Alps

Alpes vivantes
Preservation/restoration | Awareness raising
Project duration
2023 → 2026
Alpes vivantes

In the current context of ecological crisis and erosion of global biodiversity, Alpes vivantes aims to integrate nature education actions into most of the environmental measures implemented in the Vaud Alps. By raising awareness among schoolchildren, teachers and local inhabitants, this project aims to help increase biodiversity. This involves several concrete actions, such as maintaining and revitalising habitats, combating invasive alien species, and setting up awareness-raising stands at events in the Vaud Alps.

Ultimately, all these activities will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and related ecosystem services in the Swiss Alps. They will also make the landscape more attractive for recreational purposes, taking into account the impact of climate change.

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