Ptilostemon greuteri, an emblematic species of the Sicilian vascular flora, is severely endangered of exctinction.
The aim of the project is to ensure the long-term conservation of one of the most threatened and remarkable woody species of the Mediterranean Basin, Ptilostemon greuteri. Today, this plant is exclusive to two very small locations in Sicily and is not part of any conservation plan. Due to the extreme fragmentation of its habitat and the frequent episodes of wildfire in the region, which have decimated its populations, this plant is severely endangered of extinction.
Notably, the project focuses on the implementation of conservation actions on site, carried out in the western Sicily mountainous areas, in order to reinforce the extant populations of Ptilostemon greuteri and to reintroduce it in new suitable sites. The project also includes an in-depth study of this emblematic species of the Sicilian vascular flora, which will enhance expertise and knowledge on its biology and ecology to address long-term conservation planning. Workshops are also held to raise public awareness and inform the local population, visitors, and the entire scientific community about the special characteristics of this plant.
The project is led locally by the team at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources of Palermo, while the Botanical Garden of the University of Fribourg is taking over at international level.